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Contact Us

01824 702852



For the time being the service is available on Saturday and Sunday only, and it will be a Takeaway/Collection only service. At this trail stage we won't be able to offer delivery.


Orders will need to be placed by 4pm on Friday before the weekend.


Collection times will be between 11am- 3pm on Saturday and Sunday. We will stagger collection times at no less than 10-minute intervals to ensure there is no contact between any customers in the car park. 


Payment will only be accepted over the phone or through PayPal when the order is confirmed to keep social distancing requirements in place.


To place your order or to discuss making an order, send us an Email to: or telephone us on 01824 702852


At all times we will be following government guidelines to ensure everyone is kept safe. When arriving to collect your order, please remain in your car or next to the sign, if coming by bike/foot, in the car park and your order will be brought out to you and placed at a safe distance to allow you to then collect your order from us.

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